Department of Urology

Urology is a medical specialty that studies the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system in men and the urinary system in women. Urology includes sections: oncourology, urogynecology, pediatric urology, andrology.

The Department of Urology of the Belarusian State Medical University is a clinical department, the task of which is to teach students the basics of adult and pediatric urology. Teaching is carried out at the medical and pediatric faculties. The department is actively conducting educational, medical and research work. The department has a student scientific circle. The scientific interests of the department include almost all sections of pediatric and adult urology.

Currently, the department employs 6 teachers (2 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 assistant). Bases of the department:

  • 4th City Clinical Hospital, Minsk (three urological departments), st. K. Liebknecht, 85
  • 2th City Children’s Clinical Hospital, Minsk, st. Narochanskaya, 17.Â